Allows selection within a tree structure.
List 1
List 2
The filter function uses the filterNodeMethod
defined in treeProps
for both the left and right sides.
<p>filterable: <el-checkbox v-model="filterable" /></p>
<epp-tree-transfer v-model="value" :filterable="filterable" :tree-props="treeProps" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';
const filterNode = (value: string, data: { label: string }) => {
if (!value) return true;
return data.label.indexOf(value) !== -1;
const value = ref(['2']);
const filterable = ref(true);
const treeProps = reactive({
nodeKey: 'id',
checkStrictly: true,
showCheckbox: false,
filterNodeMethod: filterNode,
data: [
label: 'xxxx自治区',
id: '1',
childrens: [
label: '城市1',
id: '2',
childrens: [
{ label: '区域1', id: '7', childrens: [] },
{ label: '区域2', id: '8', childrens: [] },
label: '县级1',
id: '9',
childrens: [
label: '测试乡镇测试乡镇测试乡镇测试乡镇测试乡镇测试乡镇测试乡镇',
id: '8-1',
childrens: [],
{ label: '测试乡镇2', id: '8-2', childrens: [] },
{ label: '测试乡镇3', id: '8-3', childrens: [] },
label: '城市2',
id: '3',
disabled: true,
childrens: [
label: '区域1',
id: '10',
disabled: true,
childrens: [],
label: '区域2',
id: '11',
disabled: true,
childrens: [],
label: '区域3',
id: '12',
disabled: true,
childrens: [],
{ label: '城市3', id: '4', childrens: [] },
{ label: '城市4', id: '5', childrens: [] },
{ label: '城市5', id: '6', childrens: [] },
props: {
children: 'childrens',
label: 'label',
Parameter | Description | Type | Optional Values | Default Value |
model-value / v-model | Bound value | array | — | — |
tree-props | Tree properties for the left side. See the Tree component. nodeKey is set to id by default. | object | - | - |
titles | Custom list titles | array | - | ['List 1', 'List 2'] |
filter-placeholder | Search box placeholder | string | — | Enter keyword |
render-content | Custom data item rendering function. Parameters are: h function; tree node data; left/right identifier. Applies to both sides. | function(h, data, mark) | — | - |
filterable | Whether searching is enabled | boolean | — | false |
Name | Description |
left-footer | Content at the bottom of the left list |
right-footer | Content at the bottom of the right list |
方法名 | 说明 | 参数 |
clearQuery | Clears the search keywords for a specific panel | 'left' / 'right' , specifies the panel to clear |