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Primarily used in conjunction with ModelessDialog. After a ModelessDialog is collapsed, it is stored in this container. If it needs to be maintained globally, place this component at the same level as the root router-view.


Only dialogs created via ModelessDialogManager can be stored in this container. Clicking a card within the container will automatically restore the previously stored ModelessDialog instance.

When snapshot is true, html2canvas will be used for automatic screenshotting, which may cause lag. Please use the true value with caution. When snapshot is an object, the available type values are image, video, and audio. When snapshot is a string, excessively long text will be truncated automatically.
  <el-space size="large">
    <el-button @click="show1">无snapshot(no snapshot)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="show2">自动截屏(auto capture)</el-button>
  <br /><br />
  <el-space size="large">
    <el-button @click="show3">文本(Text)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="show4">图片(Image)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="show5">视频(Video)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="show6">音频(Audio)</el-button>
  <hr />
  <el-space size="large" class="m-t-lg">
    <el-button @click="showDock">显示/隐藏Dock(Show/Hide Dock)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="placement = 'bottom'">底部(Bottom)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="placement = 'right'">右侧(Right)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="placement = 'top'">顶部(Top)</el-button>
    <el-button @click="placement = 'left'">左侧(Left)</el-button>
  <epp-dock-container v-model="visible" :placement="placement" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, h } from 'vue';
import { ElEmpty } from 'element-plus';
import { ModelessDialogManager } from 'element-plus-plus';

const visible = ref(false);
const placement = ref('bottom');

const showDock = () => {
  visible.value = !visible.value;

const show1 = () => {{
    title: '无Snapshot',
    useDock: true,
const show2 = () => {{
    title: '自动截屏',
    snapshot: true,
    useDock: true,
    body: h(ElEmpty, { description: '自定截屏测试' }),
const show3 = () => {{
    title: '文本',
    useDock: true,
    body: h('span', ['文字测试']),
const show4 = () => {{
    title: '图片类型',
    useDock: true,
    snapshot: { type: 'image', url: '' },
    body: h('span', ['图片类型测试']),
const show5 = () => {{
    title: '视频类型',
    useDock: true,
    snapshot: { type: 'video', url: '' },
    body: h('span', ['视频类型测试']),
const show6 = () => {{
    title: '音频类型',
    useDock: true,
    snapshot: { type: 'audio', url: '' },
    body: h('span', ['音频类型测试']),

Customizing ModelessDialog Header

When using the header slot, the title displayed in the DockContainer will be the innerText value of the panel-header DOM element.

Example code
  <el-space gap="var(--md)">
    <el-button @click="show1">Custom header</el-button>
    <el-button @click="showDock">Show/Hide Dock</el-button>
  <epp-dock-container v-model="visible" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, h } from 'vue';
import { ElIcon } from 'element-plus';
import { Hide, Close } from '@element-plus/icons-vue';
import { ModelessDialogManager } from 'element-plus-plus';

const visible = ref(false);

const showDock = () => {
  visible.value = !visible.value;

const show1 = () => {
  const dialog ={
    useDock: true,
    header: h(
      { style: 'display: flex; column-gap: 8px; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;' },
        h('h6', { innerHTML: 'Custom' }),
        h('h5', { innerHTML: 'Header' }),
            size: '20px',
            title: '点我折叠(Click to fold)',
            style: 'cursor: pointer',
            onClick: () => dialog.toggleCollapse(),
            size: '20px',
            title: '点我关闭(Click to close)',
            style: 'cursor: pointer',
            onClick: () => dialog.close(),


ParameterDescriptionTypeOptional ValuesDefault Value
model-value / v-modelWhether to display the containerboolean
widthWidth of the container, effective when placed on the left or rightstring-
heightHeight of the container, effective when placed on the top or bottomstring-
item-widthWidth of each item in the containerstring150px
item-heightHeight of each item in the containerstring150px
custom-classCustom class name for the containerstring
open-delayDelay time for opening the container, in millisecondsnumber0
close-delayDelay time for closing the container, in millisecondsnumber0
before-closeCallback before closing, pauses the dialog closingfunction(done) where done is used to close the Dialog
animation-nameContainer animation typestring-Different default values depending on the placement
z-indexCustom z-indexnumber--
placementPlacementstringbottom / top / left / rightbottom


defaultCustom content, parameter is array<{id, title, snapshot }>
dock-itemCustom content for each item, parameter is item: {id, title, snapshot }


Event NameDescriptionCallback Parameter
openCallback when the container opens
openedCallback when the container's open animation finishes
closeCallback when the container closes
closedCallback when the container's close animation finishes
item-closedCallback when an item in the container is closed(item, items):the closed item, the remaining items
item-addedCallback when an item is added to the container(item, items):the added item, the displayed items
item-restoredCallback when an item in the container is restored(item, items):the restored item, the displayed items